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Kirve: Anadolu Halk geleneklerine göre, çocuk sünnet edilirken sünnet giderlerini üzerine alan kişiye verilen isimdir. 


We Have Completed Our Preparations for the Senegal Circumcision Event

As Diversity Foundation, we have completed our preparations for the health-focused circumcision event we plan to conduct in Senegal, Africa, from October 3rd to 7th. This important initiative aims to safeguard the health of children in the region and ensure that the circumcisions are performed under hygienic conditions.

Why Senegal and Why Health-Focused Circumcision?

Senegal, like many other African countries, is a region facing significant challenges in accessing healthcare services. Families, particularly those living in rural areas, struggle to provide necessary medical care for their children due to the limited availability of medical facilities. Circumcision, when performed under unsuitable conditions, can pose serious health risks. Procedures carried out in unhygienic environments by untrained individuals can lead to severe health complications for children.

In light of these challenges, we decided to organize a comprehensive initiative to ensure that children in Senegal can undergo circumcision safely and healthily. Our goal is to support families in need of this service and contribute to the healthy development of their children.

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Preparation Process and Our Efforts

To ensure the success of this event, we are undergoing an intensive preparation process with our expert medical teams and local partners. During this phase, we are focusing on:

Regional Analysis: Collaborating with local health authorities and community leaders to identify those in need and determine the regions where the event will take place.

Logistical Planning: Ensuring that the venues for the circumcision procedures are hygienic and safe by securing the necessary medical supplies and coordinating the teams effectively.

Education and Awareness: Working with local communities to inform families about the circumcision procedure and post-operative care to ensure the best outcomes.

Safe Circumcision Services: Deploying professional medical teams to carry out the circumcision procedures in accordance with medical standards, prioritizing the health and well-being of the children.

Through this initiative, we aim to provide thousands of children in Senegal with safe and healthy circumcision services, helping them take a step towards a safer and healthier future.

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