What is Aqiqah?
Akika Kurbanı:Aqiqah is the Qurbani that is offered upon the birth of a child as a Shukr (thankfulness) to Allah (Ta’ala). Aqiqah is the name of the thin hair of a new-born baby’s head. The other name for Aqiqah is ‘Naseekah’. Children are a gift from Allah (Ta’ala) and the true purpose of the sacrifice is to offer one’s Shukr (thankfulness) to Allah (Ta’ala) for this gift.
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- Whatsapp : +90 535 923 0909
- Landline : +90 216 478 4706
The Ruling on Aqiqah
Aqiqah is viewed as Mustahab in the Hanafi Madhab and as Sunnah in the other three madhabs. It may be sacrificed on any day following the birth. It is more virtuous to do it on the 7th day.
How Many Sacrificial Animals Must be Offered?
An animal that is suitable for Wajib Qurbani is acceptable for Aqiqah.Sacrificing one animal for a boy or a girl is enough. Some ulama (scholars) were in the view that two animals should be offered for a boy.
How is Aqiqah Sacrificed?
As the Aqiqah is sacrificed, the child’s parents supplicate by saying: “O Allah, this is my child’s Aqiqah. May it be protection for him against the fire of Jahannam.” A person who did not have an Aqiqah Qurbani sacrificed for them by their parents, may slaughter one for themselves. Our Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) sacrificed a Qurbani for himself after Allah (Subhanahu) ordered him to announce his prophethood publicly. He also sacrificed Aqiqah for his two grandchildren following their birth. The meat from the Aqiqah may be consumed by the person for whom it was sacrificed and by any other people. The meat of the whole animal or part of it may be given as charity. Children are gift from Allah (Ta’ala) and Aqiqah is a form of Shukr for the blessing granted.
Can A Person Offer Their Own Aqiqah?
A person who did not have an Aqiqah Qurbani sacrificed for them by their parents, may slaughter one for themselves. Our Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) sacrificed a Qurbani for himself after Allah (Subhanahu) ordered him to announce his prophethood publicly. He also sacrificed Aqiqah for his two grandchildren following their birth
Source : Fazilet Calendar
What is the cost of Qurbani in Africa?
The cost of one Qurbani in Africa is 100 USD but this may vary depending on the conditions at different countries. You may pay with your credit card or via EFT into our bank account.
When Will My Qurbani be Sacrificed?
We sacrifice your Qurbani within 1-2 days, in one of the countries of Africa and you will receive notification message via WhatsApp. If your Qurbani is urgent, it cab be done in the same day.