What is Nafil Qurbani?
Nafil Qurbani: Any Qurbani other than that which is Wajib, sacrificed for a specific intention. Sacrificing a Qurbani is a form of Shukr offered for the blessings Allah (Subhanahu.) has bestowed on people. Sacrifice protects from all forms of physical and spiritual calamities. It is a virtuous act of worship that brings a person closer to (the pleasure of) Allah (Ta’ala). It is advised so that a person may attain such blessings
Sacrifice is offered in Islamic communities considering its customary and shar’ii (religious) benefits. There are numerous types of Nafil Qurbani offered with different intentions. For example: A Shukr Qurbani may be offered on purchasing a valuable thing, a shifa Qurbani is offered for the recovery of an ill person, Aqeeqah is offered when a child is born following the Sunnah of Rasulullah (S.A.W.).
Your Nafil sacrificial animals are distributed to the needy. In this sense, it holds a great importance in forming a social unity and upholding human values.
How Does Your Qurbani Reach Africa?
Send your qurbani through our website or via our call centre.
Our staff will verbally accept authorisation for the execution of your Qurbani.
Your qurbani will be sent to one of the countries of Africa.
After your qurbani has been done, the video of the sacrifice is sent to you via WhatsApp.
The meat is then distributed to the needy.
You may contact us on the numbers below for any queries :
- Whatsapp : +90 535 923 0909
- Landline : +90 216 478 4706
Why is Nafil Qurbani Done?
Nafil Qurbani is offered for a person’s specific intentions. It could be done upon achieving a goal, or to offer Shukr (Thankfulness) for a blessing. A shifa Qurbani is done for the recovery of an ill person. An Aqeeqah is done when a child is born.
Who Can Consume the meat of Nafil Qurbani?
The meat of Nafil Qurbani may be consumed by the person who sacrificed it, their family as well as others. However, the best act is donating it in charity. But the most virtuous option would be giving it to students of the Noble Qur’an.
Authorization in Nafil Qurbani
It is best for a person to slaughter their sacrificial animal themselves. However, if one is not able to do so he may authorise someone else to do it for themselves. The appointed person will sacrifice the animal with Basmalah on their behalf. If the Qurbani is to be slaughtered and distributed at a place where the person cannot witness it, then they authorise someone in buying the animal, slaughtering it, organising the shares in the case of a cattle and distributing it. This is the case for all types of Qurbani.
The Virtue of Nafil Qurbani
Sacrifice has numerous physical and spiritual benefits. Firstly, it is an act of worship done to gain closeness to Allah (Subhanahu) which is the greatest blessing for a servant. From a social point of view, it promotes the sense of sharing which helps to establish a society where the social gap between the rich and poor is eliminated.
You can do your Qurbani in Africa
You may send your adaq, aqiqah, shukr, nafil qurbani, shifa qurbanis to Africa 365 days of the year. We carefully handle your Qurbanis in accordance with Islamic practices and deliver them to those in need.